“Your mind is like an unsafe neighborhood; don't go there alone.” -- Augusten Burroughs.
Several years ago when I embarked on a journey of introspection, I was lost.
I knew I needed some radical self-inquiry but didn't know what to call it, where to look, who to turn to, and worse, how to navigate the depths of my mind in a positive way.

Throughout the years, I've found several resources that I constantly turn to when I'm seeking good information to feed the brain. Below are my favorites:
Impact Theory
Started by personal growth-obsessed, Tom Bilyeu.
Tom interviews experts to explore the mindsets of the world's highest achievers to learn their secrets of success. From Dr. Joe Dispenza to Tai Lopez to Isaac Lidskey and Les Brown, he interviews some of the most unrelenting people who have overcome unimaginable obstacles to achieve greatness.
Every Impact Theory interview is inspiring, educational and will give you the powerful, yet kind kick-in-the-butt you need to make massive action in your life.
Mind Valley
Started by Vishen Lakhiani, Mind Valley's goal is to provide the education that traditional schooling doesn't.
They offer many free courses to help beginners get started with personal growth.
I personally love following Vishen's Instagram to get doses of inspiration that cover topics like personal development, positive parenting, and mindset.
The Unshakable Man
My coach, Chris Wilson, is founder and coach at the Unshakeable Man. Yes, I'm a female with a coach who specializes in working with males. Isn't that beautiful?
Chris' Unshakable Man provide a powerful toolkits for self-discovery including a life assessment tool, an emotion wheel for "naming it to tame it" and much more to help you navigate your journey inward.
Jerry Colonna's Reboot Podcast
Jerry Colonna is an executive coach to many of today's most successful startups and entrepreneurs. His podcast was my first journey into coaching and what was what inspired me to do the deep work.
Here's a link to his podcast, Reboot.
Here's two favorite episodes of mine:
Christine Hassler's Over It and On With It
Here's a link to her podcast, Over It and On With It.
Here's a favorite episode of mine:
What other resources have you loved to spark inward reflection to help you pursue greatness?
If you want to take a giant leap in the right direction, sign up for our upcoming group coaching webinar covering a powerful coaching tool, the wheel of life.